Linville Constructions.
The Builder of Choice for the Gold Coast , Northern Rivers N.S.W and Brisbane



This or That: Renovate or Sell Your Home?

Not completely in love with your home, but can’t decide if a home renovation will fulfill all your needs or if a completely new home will be best? The decision between renovating or selling your current home is a tough one!

Both options require a great deal of planning, organization, budgeting, and time. So which one do you choose? Contact us and we can help you understand whether you should renovate or sell your current home!

Things to Consider When Renovating

  • Organization is key!
  • You need to have a set budget and stick to it! Have you done research on bathroom renovation costs or kitchen renovation costs?
  • You will be living in a messy home for a while, so be prepared, especially if you are considering a kitchen renovation
  • Do you love living in your current community?
  • Sold on renovating? Familiarize yourself with top design trends in 2020!

Things to Consider When Selling

  • Be ready to relocate to a new area
  • Consider hiring a moving company
  • Are you OK with leaving your current home?
  • Will your new home be closer or further away from work?
  • What type of new home are you looking for: resale or new construction home?

Whatever it is you are considering, we are here to help ease your decision-making process.

Whether you renovate or sell, we hope you are the happiest in your new space! Whatever you pick, be prepared to plan ahead, keep organized, and most importantly stay cool, calm, and collected. Everything will work out as planned! So what’s your result: Renovate or Sell?

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