Linville Constructions.
The Builder of Choice for the Gold Coast , Northern Rivers N.S.W and Brisbane



2020 Bathroom Trends

You spend a good amount of time in this room: the bathroom. The lavatory. Throne room. Washroom. Whatever you call it, you probably want it to be as aesthetically pleasing as it is functional — not just for you and your family, but for guests as well. You want that “wow” factor when guests walk in to wash their hands or use the restroom.

Ryan Linville, CEO and Principal of Linville Constructions, is here to help. Here’s his list of some of the top bathroom trends of 2020 to help get you started.

Pop of Color

Most of us stick to neutral when it comes to bathroom colors, but bold colors can make a big impact. Add some color to the tiles on your walls, paint one wall a bold color, or find other ways to bring in a pop of color, Harris says. Just remember to keep it simple overall — a little color goes a long way toward impact.


Decorative Tiles

Thinking about livening up the back wall of your shower or floor of the bathroom? Consider using patterned and textured tiles, which are becoming more popular, says Harris. Another trend is using large slab materials in showers and back walls, including slabs of marble and concrete.



Ditch the normal rectangular or square mirrors and dare to be different. Mirrors come in all shapes and sizes, so buy one that’s asymmetrical or round. Use contemporary frames to decorate your mirrors, and if you’re looking for a more modern look, add LED lights for a backlit mirror.


Separation of Space

You know what it’s like having to share a bathroom with a spouse, kids, or a roommate. Wouldn’t it be great to have some space of your own? That’s why many homeowners are installing separate toilets or vanities, or even putting the toilet in a separate room from the bathtub or sink.



Instead of a traditional bar light above the mirror, use a three-pendant light. You can also add a decorative chandelier, or install recessed lighting, which makes the lights flush with the ceiling or wall.




It’s probably where you spend most of your time in the bathroom — the shower. But instead of standing showers and traditional bathtubs, this year’s trend involves freestanding tubs. It’s definitely making a comeback, says Harris, and it becomes an art statement, especially in larger primary bathrooms.


Whether it’s a pop of color in your bathroom, an asymmetrical mirror that’s framed, or separate toilets or vanities, trends in 2020 are definitely leaning towards modern versus traditional, says Harris. So, if you’ve been working through designing your bathroom and adding a bit of your personal touch, this is your year and the time to do it!

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